Thoughts from the Board - Lee Morehead

Fall is in the air. As I got my kids ready for school this morning, we had to go to the deep part of the closet for their coats. For the next six months, I will have the pleasure of searching the school’s lost and found boxes, the trunk and floors of my car, and every square inch of our home for those coats every day.

Despite the coats, October is my favorite month of the year. I love Halloween. The costumes, the candy, the decorations, all of it makes for great times with friends and family. October is also Legal Professionalism Month!  During October, the Colorado Supreme Court with the support of the Colorado Bar Association aims to encourage our profession to rededicate themselves to demonstrating the highest standards of professionalism and integrity and promote public confidence in the profession and court system. What will you do this month to rededicate yourself to the highest level of professionalism and integrity?

I did an internet search for “how to rededicate yourself to professionalism” and the first result was from It listed 15 things you can do today to be professional:

·      Keep Time;

·      Follow the Dress Code;

·      Maintain Focus;

·      Demonstrate a Positive Attitude;

·      Be Mindful;

·      Be Confident;

·      Demonstrate Good Communication Skills;

·      Show Your Organizational Skills;

·      Engage in Appropriate Workplace Conversations;

·      Be Empathetic;

·      Demonstrate Self-Awareness

·      Act as a Role Model;

·      Be Honest and Trustworthy;

·      Show Competence; and

·      Offer to Help When You Can.

Many of you do these things every day. I challenge you, however, decide to take action. Choose an area where you feel you can improve and focus on that area for the rest of Legal Professionalism Month. By concentrating on just one area for improvement, legal professionals will not only improve their individual practice but also contribute to the betterment of the legal field as a whole. Collectively, we can elevate our profession.

Wishing everyone a Happy Halloween!

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Greeley Municipal Court Appointed Counsel


Thoughts from the Board - Mark C. Gonzales